About the author
Anshuman Punj is a post-graduate mechanical engineer and an MBA by qualification. (B.Tech.-Mechanical Engineering, M.Tech.-Tool Design, MBA-specialization in Materials Management). He has worked at various management positions in the private sector as well as a consultant, Design for Tooling. (Eicher Goodearth, Modi Xerox and Hero Motors). This was followed by an illustrious career in the Indian Railways as a Class 1 officer. Coming across the upcoming and challenging field of vacuum deposition, Anshuman quit the government service in order to develop several ground breaking vacuum products that could be manufactured in-country. Today, he is the CEO of Supervac Industries, a highly successful Indian company that manufactures and supplies vacuum consumables to a large number of customers around the world. Anshuman Punj heads Supervac Industries which is known world-wide for its high quality and reasonably priced products. With 17 years of experience in the Vacuum Industry, he regularly writes articles and blogs on Vacuum products and applications.