
Vacuum Oil Equivalents

A lot of confusion exists in the vacuum industry. Reasons- Engineers do not know which oil is equivalent to the oil supplied by their plant manufacturer. Equipment manufacturers rarely give detailed specifications of vacuum oil to be used. Equipment manufacturers keep changing their recommendation from time to time. The vacuum oils supplied by equipment manufacturers…


Caution! Vacuum Pump Users

The role of Rotary vacuum pump (also called Roughing pump), in creating a smooth vacuum cycle cannot be stressed upon enough. In turn, this makes rotary/mechanical pump oil an important factor in the smooth running of the vacuum pump. Unfortunately many vacuum pump users do not realize that rotary vacuum pump oil is not an…


Procedure for Safe Running of Vacuum Furnaces

A furnace is typically run at temperature between 500 o C- 1200 o C. Because of such elevated temperatures, furnaces require a lot of safety precautions in their normal operations. Because of requirement of better products many times it is essential that heating inside furnace be done under vacuum. Such a furnace is called a vacuum furnace.   Advantages…


Beware! Trap Ahead

Bhartendu Mehta (Name Changed) stormed into my chamber this morning. He seemed to be furious. Without exchanging any pleasantries he started, “How can my machinery manufacturer loot me?” He demanded to know. I was surprised for a minute. After all, besides being a good friend, Bhartendu was a polished businessman; a stalwart in metallizing line…


Vacuum Gauges Explained

In any vacuum system it is most important to know accurately the level of vacuum on real time basis as even a minor change in vacuum can result in process parameters going haywire and product quality getting adversely affected. In modern day vacuum systems we use sophisticated vacuum gauges to know the vacuum accurately. In…
