A lot of confusion exists in the vacuum industry.
- Engineers do not know which oil is equivalent to the oil supplied by their plant manufacturer.
- Equipment manufacturers rarely give detailed specifications of vacuum oil to be used.
- Equipment manufacturers keep changing their recommendation from time to time.
- The vacuum oils supplied by equipment manufacturers are prohibitively costly which is a big drain on the very profitability of operations.
- Availability of oil recommended by the plant manufacturer may not be there in the country of user.
User of equipment therefore is forced to pay through the nose and also keep huge inventory of vacuum oil.
- Sometimes vacuum oil being used goes out of production leaving users in the lurch, For example production of DC-704 was discontinued and equipment manufacturers never bothered to inform users of a replacement. Users were left wondering what to use in place of DC-704.
Users of Vacuum equipment are most of the time wondering “What if a database existed which clearly told me which vacuum oil can be substituted by what vacuum oil”. Even better – if this database gave him transparent, easy to understand reason
s as to why one vacuum oil is alternative to the other vacuum oil. This would surely save a lot of money and botheration for vacuum equipment users.
Based on my exhaustive and in-depth study of vacuum oils, I have prepared an extensive list of vacuum oils being used by the vacuum industry and their equivalents/replacement. The list also details the important properties of these oils because of which these are substitutes.
Supervac Grade | Equivalent Oils |
Common Properties that make them Interchangeable |
SV-Sigma High Vacuum Silicone Diffusion Pump Oil
SV-Sigma + Ultrahigh Vacuum Silicone Diffusion Pump Oil
SV-Sigma Fast Silicone Diffusion Pump Oil![]() |
SV-Delta Diffusion Pump Oil
Supervac Grade | Equivalent Oils | Common Properties that make them Interchangeable |
SV-77 Rotary Vacuum Pump Oil |
SV-68Rotary Vacuum Pump Oil![]() |
1) Hydraulic Oils,
2) Automotive oils 3) Turbine oils |
These are not meant for Vacuum Pumps and can seriously damage vacuum pump. NEVER USE THESE for Vacuum Pump. |
Supervac Grade | Equivalent Oils | Common Properties that make them Interchangeable |
SV-JS Silicone Vapour Jet Booster Pump Oil | Best in the world. No equivalent exists |
SV-JH Organic Vapour Jet Booster Pump Oil
1) Apiezon booster pump oil AP 201 |
Supervac Grade | Equivalent Grease | Common Properties that make them Interchangeable |
SV-G9 High Vacuum Silicone Grease |
1. MOLY KOTE M44 |
In today’s competitive scenario it is important that production costs are optimized. Most of the times we are not at liberty to buy exorbitantly priced oils from equipment manufacturer; neither can we keep a huge inventory of vacuum oil just because it is not easily available in the country of operation.
Supervac therefore came up with manufacture of vacuum oils that are-
- Reasonably priced
- Excellent substitutes for costly vacuum oils
- World class quality manufactured using cutting edge technology
- Have very long service life
- Delivered immediately
- Available world over